Tuya Zigbee Temperature Humidity sensor with screen, how to stop alarm

I have a Tuya Temp and Humidity sensor with screen (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005873052097.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.10.2bd11802puYgEv)
It’s correctly connected to HA via a ConBee II stick and Zigbee2mqtt.
It works fine.
The issue is that when the temperature or humidity reach some levels, an alarm starts beeping.
It seems that, with the Tuya hub and app, the alarm can be disabled.
Is there a way to do the same with my setup? I see many options in Zigbee2mqtt but I’m not able to find any info to put me in the right direction

The model is: TS0201_TZ3210_qkj7rujp

4 and a half years later… (I made an account just to post this)
I think I have a solution for anyone else that finds this. This was the only useable result that turned up in a Google search for me.

Here’s what I did.
You will need physical access to the device and Zigbee2MQTT at the same time.
Get a paperclip and have it ready to press the reset button on the device.

  1. Open Zigbee2MQTT, Select the Zigbee device and select the Dev Console tab
  2. Endpoint is fixed as 1 (no idea if this can be different, I’m just a tinkerer)
  3. select Cluster and choose manuSpecificTuya_2
  4. click Attribute and choose unknown and add 1 to the field
  5. Press the reset button once (press not hold) to wake the device, then immediately hit write. If you want to be safe, press the read button instead to check the current state, mine were set to 0

From my current testing, this still has the alert show up on the screen, but stops the alarm from sounding.

Note - From here you can also adjust the alarm levels, Humidity seems to be a number from 0 to 100 and Temperature seems to be much bigger, up to 6000 (my current temp was 2411 with the screen reading 24.11c)

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