TuYa ZY-M100-24G and Zigbee2MQTT


I’m having a problem with my TuYa ZY-M100-24G TuYa ZY-M100-24G control via MQTT | Zigbee2MQTT
motion sensor. Can you help me fix it? The motion sensor does not detect any movement after modifying parameters (motion sensitivity, fading time, detection distance max). ‘Target Distance’ constantly shows 0 and does not update.

Home Assistant Core: 2024.1.5
Supervisor: 2023.12.1
Operating System: 11.4
Frontend: 20240104.0
Zigbee2MQTT Version: 1.35.1-1
Device Info: TuYa ZY-M100-24G

I tried to switch to Zigbee2MQTT Edge version and I had the same result. I unnpaired and re-paired the device and still the same. I found a similar issue on GitHub, but the solution didn’t work for me. [New device support]: for Tuya M100S with 24G radar · Issue #18237 · Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt · GitHub

Can anyone give suggestions or advice for a similar problem? I’d appreciate any help you can offer!

I am not sure the date you last tried, relative to your post date, however reading that GitHub issue it seems that user ‘juan11perez’ had submitted a PR based on the code posted by other user ‘OwlBawl’ around the same time you posted. So maybe it just wasn’t published/released at the time you tried? If that’s the case, maybe try again now.

Make sure you are using latest GitHub version (not sure how to do that from HAOS, as personally I am just using Z2M installed in a Python venv),

FWIW, I came across this in a search for the device model, but mainly I am just puzzled by the mapping of entities through Z2M into HA, which seems a bit weird to me (e.g., why ‘home’ instead of a simple presence toggle?). Anyway, the device seems to be working for me, however I did not try to change any settings yet.

Thank you very much! It’s true that with the latest version, it now works! Now, I’m getting other issues, but it’s a different story :smile:

I had bought 2 of them, but ended up not using them after doing a little more research and realizing how chatty they were on the Zigbee network. And apparently this is baked into the firmware (in other words, cannot be ‘fixed’ at the Z2M nor HA level). If one were to have a lot of them, apparently they could bring down the whole Zigbee network, that’s how often they are spamming messages. :frowning:

Were those your ‘other issues’, perchance? :slight_smile:

My search continues for a mmWave Zigbee sensor that does not require any app nor ‘cloud’ service…