Tv changes to off when Netflix launches

On my Samsung TV I have the issue that in HA the state changes to off when I launch the Netflix App and doesn’t come back on. When I launch Youtube or Prime Video the state stays on.
I wouldn’t bother much as the controls still work but as the TV state triggers my lights to dim it’s really annoying.
Is there a way I could force the TV state to stay on when I launch Netflix?

As far as I am aware: no
You can not override the state a device sends. (The only exception I know is the Apple TV integration, but that’s a bad fix for that CEC turn on issue that apple built in as feature).
Have you contacted Samsung Support?

Edit: Does your device send any other states? Attributes? Or does it just say ‘off’ and nothing else?

I haven’t contacted Samsung yet.
Though I doubt they would be much of a help.

No, it doesn’t send any other states.
At least I made somewhat of a progress. I gave the TV a static IP and changed the DNS to Now the state gets back to “on” when I close Netflix. Before that the only way to get it back to on was to turn the TV off an on again.

Just bumping this thread to get smart peoples attention :smiley:
I was just searching for a solution for this exact problem.
I have a Samsung UE55F7000 that is acting up like this. ONLY with the Netflix app.
And it annoys the hell out of me too, cuz i have an automation that turns off my receiver and sub when the TV goes off…
You can figure out how annoying that is when i want to see Netflix :wink:

If only I could get some more info out of the TV. I can live with the TV’s state turning off, if I at least can get an App-state or something.
Just some kind of data to work with, so that I can get around it in my automations

You can get the state of the netflix app by sending a GET request to http://YOUR_IP/ws/app/Netflix.
Only issue I’m having is that the response is XML and I haven’t figured out how I can use that in HA.

<service xmlns="urn:dial-multiscreen-org:schemas:dial" xmlns:atom="">
<options allowStop="true"/>
<atom:link rel="run" href="run"/>

Thanks for pointing me in a direction!
Haven’t looked into it yet, but I’ve found a thread in here that talks over extracting XML information here: Use XML result from rest API
Don’t know if you have checked that out, but I will indeed have a look when I get the time (not sure my boss will appreciate me going it over at work :wink: )

Forgot about the switch I set up.
Hassio gets the state of Netflix, but the TV gets turned off before Netflix gets on, so i wasn’t really able to put it into my automation.

  - platform: rest
    name: Netflix Tv
    body_on: >-
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <service xmlns="urn:dial-multiscreen-org:schemas:dial" xmlns:atom="">
      <options allowStop="true"/>
      <atom:link rel="run" href="run"/>
    is_on_template: "{{ '<state>running</state>' in value }}"