Twilio_call enhancement script

I have written a python script to provide more call features to the twilio_call notify component.
Reading the code, I discovered that there was an escape mechanism to allow messages starting with “http” to be a passed on directly to

Required Parameters
caller: [1…4] # I use input_text fields to store messages and phone numbers to call.
Optional Parameters
voice: [man | woman | alice] # default man
delay: [1;10] # delay before message is said. Default is 0.
This allows time for someone to pickup the phone.
loop: [1:3] # plays message multiple times. Default is once.
language: see
speed: [normal|slow} # default is normal

Example Service Call

- service: python_script.twilio
    caller: '1'
    delay: '1'
    loop: '2'
    voice: 'alice'
    language: 'en-CA'
    speed: 'slow'

Feel free to copy and modify the code found here on github:

Perhaps, someone would like to add these enhancements to the home assistant twilio_call component.
This is my interim workaround.

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Reading the code, I discovered that there was an escape mechanism to allow messages starting with “http” to be a passed on directly to

Hi @GrahamS glad you found: I leave it beacuse I’m lazy :grinning: to let someone clever to extend it.

I’ve had a quick look at your code and I like it: you are welcome to integrate it in
I’ll try to do it sometime in the future since now I really don’t have the time.
