Twinkly Christmas Lights

could you send me the link to the “howto” post?

The problem is that HA has now updated and it have changed the way it handles scripts, so the instructions needs a update and I don’t know how to set it up now but when I have figured it out then I’m going to update my instructions. Maybe someone other known how to fix it? Please tell us how to fix it

Link to my old how to

I have now found the solution I needed to remove name from the text put in configuration.yaml file, I have now updated my howto instruction

Could you you show an example?

I have now added a picture in howto

Hi All,

The new Christmas season is inexorably approaching us again (and Halloween too). Do you know if someone could update the previously submitted code or write a new one for Twinkly :christmas_tree: ? I can be a beta-tester if needed.


Hey, anyone looking at this currently? Just got my 250 light RGB set from Generation II, and would like to integrate them.

I sure hope the script shared before still works with the second generation. I also just ordered a set. I’ll keep you all posted.

I hope it still works too. I’ll look into it when we put the tree up.

Just got my tree up yesterday and the scripts still working for me. Unfortunately I only have the first gen, so I won’t be able to test the new ones!

I just received my set, 250 led Generation II

The script only works to turn them off, turning it on doesn’t work :confused:

I looked at the fantastic xled python project, and with it the only way I was able to turn on the lights was to trigger the demo sequence. :confused:

When I have more time I’ll try to see if I can get it to work with the generation 2 version.

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I also just get a Twinkly 250Led 2nd genereation light and I manage to get it working with HA.:
The trick is yuo must get a .py file from git hub with “git clone” command. otherwise (if you copy or upload via winscp/webgui ) it won’t work at all!

Try again and let me know.

In a mean time I am trying the manage twinkly via MQtt… I already redirect DNS to my local mqtt server instead of


I can not get this to work, I can only turn off and not on. 2:nd gen.

Interesting, I wasn’t able to turn it on. I did update the firmware of my set, maybe that had something to do with it.

I actually returned my set and am upgrading to the 400 led version (on sale in Canada, if someone is interested), so I will try again once I get it.

I also updated the light to the newest software ( 2.4.14) and it works. So the problem could be somewhere else.

I think you need to apply your light setting once in the app to make “on” work. I think by default “on” means all leds black until something different is saved.

At least I had the same issues with my new 250 gen 2 lights yesterday until I pressed “EDIT” and then “APPLY”…

However, I think that home assistant interferes with the app. Probably when polling for the state. If I’m painting the tree in the app it aborts after a while and goes back to the saved state. Anyone else with the same problem?

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The turning on issue sounds familiar to me. I think your fix should work if I remember correctly.

I haven’t really messed around with the painting because I don’t have enough lights for it. I can look into that issue though.

It would be nice if you could look at it :slight_smile:

I’ve sort of verified that it is the polling. I turned the lights off in hass and then I started fiddling with the lights in the app. At the same time as hass discovers that the lights are actually turned on editing lights stops working in the app and the lights goes back to the default state. (It almost feels like it triggers a bug or something like that because it flickers a bit strange and then the light gets the state back.)

Device needs authentication token to accept commands. It remembers exactly one token - if second device authenticates, first one has no longer valid token. Painting effects starts with authentication as well but doesn’t refresh it’s token after that. Also painting switches device to accept continuous stream of data. If it stops getting them (maybe because header sent in it’s token is no longer valid) it just switches back to saved effect. Flicker is just reset of a device that is used when modes are switched.

At least that’s my observation from what I remembered last time I played with mine.

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Sounds legit. But that means polling can’t be combined with painting, right? Unless there is a way to query state without authenticating I suppose…

I believe it is possible to remove the “command_state”-line from the config to disable polling. I think I prefer painting more than an always up-to-date christmas tree state in hass. I will try that.