Twinkly Christmas Tree Dashboard

Using Picture Entities to control effects in a twinkly playlist.

This is one of the cards code

type: picture
  action: perform-action
  perform_action: light.turn_on
    effect: "3"
    entity_id: light.twinkly1
  columns: 3
  rows: 2
image: /api/image/serve/e1687001b2bffd0b4f0d8643b65f995c/512x512

I also have an automation that rotates the playlist effects, this is triggered every minute when the tree is on:

action: light.turn_on
  entity_id: light.twinkly1
  effect: >
    {% set effects = state_attr('light.twinkly1', 'effect_list') %} {% set
    current_effect = state_attr('light.twinkly1', 'effect') %} {% set next_index
    = (effects.index(current_effect) + 1) % effects | length %} {{
    effects[next_index] }}

This looks to be pretty cool, can you elaborate a little more on how you set this card up, for example the image, thanks.

Probably the roughest dashboard I have ever done! I took multiple screen shoots of the selector in the app and then zoomed in and created an image of each one which I then dragged into the card setup