Two and Three way compatible smart switch without neutral

Hi guys,

I’m new to the community planning my first home assistant setup and I’m having trouble finding a solution for my home and it’s getting me crazy.

I live in Belgium and my renovated house follow the schematics for 2 way and staircases

I looked for hours and days for solutions as I don’t neutral in my wall switch sockets and I don’t have ‘‘shuttle’’ (don’t know the term in English, cables going from one switch to the other) coming to my light appliances and I don’t have ceiling roses like in UK

I would like the system to :
Keep the original wall light switches if possible
If the network or home assistant are down, still be able to use the switches

I’m aware of sonoff basics with GPIO 14 cabling method like here but I don’t have the shuttle cables and neutral available in the same place
I’m aware of aqara wall switches but it seems there are not reliable when using no neutral version, plus only master switch will work if network or hassio is down.
I’m aware of fibaro dimmer that could work when modifying one of the shuttle bus to phase but not sure it will for my staircase with inverters

schems :

Sorry for the long post but I’m kind of desperate at this point to find a good solution.

Thanks in advance guys.

No solution from EU fellows?


I m French, you are from Belgium, so in French and below my best in English :slight_smile:

En France : même problème : il n y a pas de neutre derrière les interrupteurs.

(Je suis tout nouveau en domotique et démarre juste avec Home Assistant donc ne peux pas trop aider sur la configuration ), mais j avais réussi à contourner le problème : relier les fils de la phase de l’interrupteur : ainsi c est toujours « ON », mettre un module au niveau de l ampoule. Appareiller un bouton domotique directement au module . Attention va et vient pas tout à faire pareil, mais il y a possibilité de reproduire la même chose. J avais utilisé un bouton enocean (pas de piles).
Reste ensuite à relier le module de l ampoule à homeassistant (attention : enocean et home assistant ça n a pas l aire simple)


In France, same problem : no neutral behind switch.

(I am new to home automation and home assistant, so I can not help for configuration), but I found a work around : connect the wires behind the switch so it is always ON. A 2 way switch in stairs is not completely the same but I think the solution can be adapted). Put a device just before the light. Pair switch (zwave, enocean, etc) directly with the device (interest of enocean : switch without battery)
Now add the device to home assistant.

Be careful , I was not completely in the same situation and enocean-Home Assitant seems to be difficult

Found this (in french)

Piloter plafonnier

Tutoriel domotique-store

By chance, just found This (in French too)