Two Camera Streams side by side

What do I need to do in my configuration to force two Camera Streams side by side? It’s always one on top of the other.

Haven’t tried this to be sure but you could try putting each camera into a separate group and then have those two groups on one view by themselves.

I placed each camera in it’s own group but one is still on top of the other.

It was worth a shot…

I just tried the same thing, wanted the cameras horizontially aligned.

Anyone ever have any luck with this? I’m running 6 cameras right now and it makes for a long page…

Same here with 5 cameras and wanted some solution like grid view rather than just one long column vertical list.

Same problem here! =(

I have 5 cameras, 2 of which are outdoor and the other three are indoor. I put the indoor and outdoor cams in separate groups and they are side by side in two columns.

Can you post your config here? it’s driving my nuts! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’m glad to, but it might be anticlimactic as there’s nothing magical about it. It’s just like I described above:

  name: Cameras
  view: yes
    - group.interior_cams
    - group.exterior_cams
    - group.camera_presets

  name: interior cams
    - camera.interior_street_facing_controllable
    - camera.rear_facing_controllable
    - camera.interior_bedroom_fixed

  name: exterior cams
    - camera.outside_front_left_fixed
    - camera.outside_front_right_fixed

Damn, that’s what I’m doing… But I keep getting one on top of the other…

    name: Family
    view: yes
      - device_tracker.wife
      - group.wife_location
      - group.me_location
    name: Wife Location
    view: no
      - camera.wife
    name: Me Location
    view: no

Please post your code using the preformatted text option so we can see the spacing correctly.

Highlight your code block and press this button in the post editor:

Done! My bad. Please re-check my previous reply.

Are these actual cameras or the google maps hack cameras? I’m wondering if it makes a difference.

They are google maps still images. That’s actually a pretty good theory… I don’t have real cameras to test that… Will check if there’s some way to emulate them, or use a cellphone’s camera to test.

Keep me posted and I’ll try and help.

No way for me to use a laptop camera or a cellphone camera as a camera in HASS. So now way for me to try. =( Need to purchase a new IP Camera to test, but that won’t happen right now.

Is there any way to sneak into the CSS code that arranges those widgets?

You can if you dig hard enough, but you’ll end up breaking updates if you do. Either that or you will have to stow any changes and then reapply them after the upgrade.

Ive wondered this too, i have 3 cameras…all on top of each other, looks a bit weird :slight_smile: