Two conditions in one condition - tricky part

from a few hours I’m trying to make the conditions which allows me to do this:
if trigger.from state and trigger.to_state doesnt’ have a word ‘ONLINE’ in state then it’s true

or the other way:
if trigger.from_state is ‘ONLINE’ and trigger.to_state is ‘BOOST ONLINE’ than it’s false
else if trigger.from_state is ‘BOOST ONLINE’ and trigger.to_state is ‘ONLINE’ than it’s false
else is true
for example:

         - condition: template
            value_template: >-
              {% if states('trigger.from_state') != "ONLINE" and states('trigger.to_state') != "BOOST ONLINE" %}
              {% elif states('trigger.to_state') != "ONLINE" and states('trigger.from_state') != "BOOST ONLINE" %}
              {% else %}
              {% endif %}

but it doesn’t work as expected. Where I’m wrong?
Please help :frowning:

Try it with:

{% if trigger.from_state.state != "ONLINE" and trigger.to_state.state != "BOOST ONLINE" %}

because you don’t need to use states with trigger, it’s already there.

Try this (EDITED - should be and, not or)

- condition: template
   value_template: >-
     {{ not (trigger.from_state.state.count("ONLINE") and trigger.to_state.state.count("ONLINE")) }}

or, more readable

- condition: template
  value_template: >-
    {% set state = 'ONLINE' %}  
    {{ not (state in trigger.from_state.state and state in trigger.to_state.state) }}
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Your solution is true if any trigger doesn’t have ‘ONLINE’ word in the state. But when I’ve changed ‘or’ to ‘and’ it’s working what’ I’m expected. Thank you very much! :slight_smile:
My solution is:

          - condition: template
            value_template: >-
              {{ not (trigger.from_state.state.count("ONLINE") and trigger.to_state.state.count("ONLINE")) }}

Thank you for suggestion, after my modificatoin it’s also working :slight_smile:

          - condition: template
            value_template: >-
              {% if trigger.from_state.state == "ONLINE" and trigger.to_state.state == "BOOST ONLINE" %}
              {% elif trigger.from_state.state == "BOOST ONLINE" and trigger.to_state.state == "ONLINE" %}
              {% else %}
              {% endif %}

ok, I thought your

is just another way to explain the same condition.

Looking at your original post, it’s definitely and, not or :wink: