Two identical aqara E1 blind chain motors - one works, one doesn't

I’m using a sonoff zigbee dongle, and the ZHA zigbee integration. (and Mosquitto broker MQTT)

I added both blinds to Home Assistant using ZHA. One is added with a quirk listed next to it, as per the screenshot. The other didn’t get that quirk when it got added. Only the quirk one works properly (responds to commands from the HA interface). I have removed and added the non-quirk one a few times trying to get it to appear with that quirk, but with no luck. They are both using the same firmware, and both had been added to the xiaomi mi home cloud previously using an aqara zigbee wifi hub, but it was unreliable controlling them via HA using that integration and I wanted to keep things local where possible.

Is there a way to manually add the quirk? is there something else I might be doing wrong?

Do you find your one without the quirk is really unreliable? As I’ve only one and it has no quirk and if it works really is hit and miss!

yes, very flakey! i have had to use the zigbee info controls in HA to ‘write’ the max roll % value in as 100, so that the slider works without giving a “Na” error. I can’t use the up and down arrow controls, only the slider. I bought a third unit, moved all three back to aqara hub control, updated all their firmwares, and then added them all back into HA, and still only the first one has a quirk, the other one and the new one are still without quirk.