Two Identical Z-Wave Bulbs Behaving Differently

Okay, so this initially didn’t bug me but now it’s driving me crazy. I bought two identical z-wave bulbs:

I have one installed in a lamp and the other is installed in the entry way. When I turn them on, they act the exact same. However, when I turn them off, the bulb installed in the lamp slowly fades in brightness to dark while the bulb in the entry fades and turns off quickly. Additionally, the bulb which turns off quickly shows in HASS as being off while the bulb which turns off slowly shows as on but with a brightness of zero.

Has anyone else run into this before?

Okay, I’m an idiot. I figured it out.

I was able to fix the HASS issue by following this guide:

The difference in the turn-off speed was because the bulbs were set to different brightnesses.

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