Linear / GoControl LB60Z-1 Z-Wave bulbs not turning off in UI

Hi all,

I’ve recently picked up some LB60Z-1 bulbs and I’m having some issues with HA recognizing when the light is off.
I’ve paired to my Z-stick just fine and it shows up and turns on/dims just fine, but when I flip it off through HA the light itself turns off, but HA thinks it’s still on unless I dim it a bit first.

( This is right after turning it off. the light is physically off.The toggle flips back on if I expand it or refresh the page)

In the log as soon as I flip it off from full brightness I get three state updates from the light changing the brightness from 255 to 252, from 252 to 170, and from 170 to 85. It stops at that point and HA thinks it’s still on.

If I dim it first and then flip it off I’ll get something like “43 to 41”, “41 to off”. If it’s around 30 when I turn if off I just get one event that goes straight to off.

I’ve tried setting the bulb to tun on at the “Last Dim Setting” instead of “Full Brightness” through OZWCP but that didn’t seem to do anything.

I’ve tried waiting, tried setting polling_interval: to 30000 and polling_intensity: to 1 in customize and waiting and nothing happens.
Not sure what refresh_value and delay do but longer values didn’t help either.

I’m running 0.34.2 and a Z-stick Gen5.

Any Idea what can I do to fix this?

This fixed it for me:

I had to specify a delay of 5 seconds and refresh_value: True

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I’ve tried setting refresh_value to true and delay to 5 and 10. That didn’t do anything for me. I did make sure that the setting did get picked up.

Haven’t had the chance to look through the code to see what delay does, but there seems to be no Ha events or Open zwave log changes after the last dim event. Nothing either 5 or 10 seconds that I’ve tried.

I’ll try to investigate into it a bit more, but so far I’m still looking for solutions.

Update: Delay definitely did not do anything. Neither did more fiddling with polling. Polling doesn’t seem to work at all.
I did set the polling_interval to 30000 and customize:

OZW_Log is still quiet no polls or updates after switch state is changed.

Update2: Have reset the zwave network with no success. Still no polling. Might try a separate HA install.
For now I can’t manually turn off the lights unless I dim them.

Did you ever get a resolution here? I think I am having the same problem with HA and the Linear smart bulb.

I added the polling intensity to mine to correct this:

  usb_path: /dev/zwave
  config_path: /srv/hass/src/python-openzwave/openzwave/config
  polling_interval: 60000
      polling_intensity: 1
      refresh_value: true
      polling_intensity: 1
      refresh_value: true

@heebeegee I have not. Still trying to figure it out. I’m almost out of ideas though.

Next thing I’ll try is a fresh install of hassbian on a different pi as I suspect there’s something funky going on with OpenZWave install through All-In-One Installer. As a temporary workaround I pass a brightness of 150 that’s low enough not to cause this issue.

@Corey_Johnson does polling actually work for you? does it check on the light every minute? and does that reflect in the OZW_Log?
My OZW_Log is completely quiet unless I or automation triggers an action. Looks like polling never actually happens.

here’s how I have mine in the config:

usb_path: /dev/ttyACM0
autoheal: False
polling_interval: 30000
  friendly_name: “Kitchen Light”
  polling_intensity: 1
  refresh_value: True
  delay: 5

I also have a bulb without the delay but none of it seems to make any difference.

Well, mine is working now (I wish I could explain how or what I did). It is possible it fixed itself when I removed discovery, restarted, added discover, restarted… or some such. Ugh. I did not even have the entity light.linear_lb60z1_dimmable_led_light_bulb_level_2_0 when it wasn’t working, and now somehow magically it appeared. So I updated my config per Corey’s suggestion:

  usb_path: /dev/ttyACM0
  config_path: /srv/homeassistant/src/python-openzwave/openzwave/config/
      polling_intensity: 1
      refresh_value: true

EDIT: FWIW, here is the new magically appearing entity:

Shouldn’t it show all the settings set on it?
My entries have everything that I set in customize.

But if it works it works.
Still no luck for me.

@heebeegee Are you running on a PI? and if so how did you do the install? all in one,hassbian, or manually?

I think what happened for me was this: I had added the light bulb using the Z-stick’s offline capability. This is when I was getting the bad behavior. Then I believe I added a new node, that was taken from the Z-stick. That is when my new entity showed up.

One more thing, notice that the new entity specifies the “off” state, and no “on” state. I think that might be the trick there.

EDIT: I am running on a pi, and i am using Hassbian.

I’ve also noticed some inconsistency between adding through home assistant and via z-stick itself.
In my case I have 2 bulbs on the same switch and I have added them via different ways, and when I would manually turn them on/off via the wall switch (single off/on or a double off/on) one would update HA and the other one wouldn’t. But it was not consistent,and since I have to fix this issue first I didn’t investigate further.

the on/off on the entity is the current state.I turned off the light and it was reflected:

I guess I’ll try hassbian next in hopes that it is something with my installation.

@Vendigroth I am skeptical Hassbian has anything to do with it. OpenZwave is added after-the-fact, whether you use Hassbian or manual install (I can’t speak to AIO, but I read open wave install is built-in).

I think a new install is too drastic at this point. I think I would do the following:

  1. remove all your LB60Z-1 bulbs from hass (not sure this removes them from the stick though).
  2. Pair a single bulb (for simplicity sake) directly to the Z-stick (stick unplugged method).
  3. Plug Z-stick back in, restart Hass,
  4. Wait 5-10 minutes… why? No idea.
  5. In Hass, do an add_node (I am presuming this will pickup and/or rename the entity).
  6. Modify your configuration.yaml as per @Corey_Johnson and of course, restart Hass

Good luck… please let us know how it goes.

I’ve tried resetting the whole zwave network before with no luck, but just for fun I tried these steps.

When i restarted hass after plugging z-stick back in zwave wouldn’t start so i rebooted the pi.
When it came back up the light was already set up and the entity was showing up.

When I did add_node it didn’t add it as a new node, just kept it the same. so i still had one entity.

I modified the configuration and it got picked up:

But it still doesn’t update.
I still don’t see anything periodically checking on the bulb in OZW_Log ( I assume there would be something polling related every minute)

I’ve also just tried to do a fresh install from hassbian and install OpenZwave manually from the instructions. And i ended up In the same situation… so it doesn’t seem to be hassbian vs all in one differences.

Next I’m doing a clean all in one install and just setting up one bulb after resetting the Z-stick and the bulb.

Ok. I’ve figured it out.
My configuration was wrong. I confused which customize was where.
If anyone else is dealing with this make sure that your “customize:” is actually the right “customize:” for zwave: and don’t confuse it with the homeassistant: “customize:” those need to be separate.

if you want a friendly_name and polling_intensity/refresh_value put them in separate “customize:” portions or files.
friendly_name under homeassistant:
polling_intensity, refresh_value under zwave:

It only took me a couple of reinstalls to figure this out :expressionless:

So has anyone definitely solved this? I’ve tried everything suggested here so far. Here’s my config:

  usb_path: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-0658_0200-if00
  network_key: !secret zwave_network_key
  device_config: !include zwave_device_config.yaml


  polling_intensity: 1
  refresh_value: true
  delay: 5
  ignored: false

This bulb seems to be sold under a few labels and from what I can see it looks like there are minor variations. For example one manual I saw listed two extra configuration parameters whereas mine only has one. So likely there are different firmware versions out there.