Two outputs for current state node

Hey guys,
I am having some trouble creating my first sequence. I made a simple light on based on motion and if there is people home and if the light is low. However whenever I create a halt if option I get two outputs. According to debug node one output does nothing. The other sends the information of the entity through but does not halt the message. From what I have seen everyone has one out put on current state nodes. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Using HASSIO add-on for node red on RASPI 3. Below is a screen shot.

The two output options are new with the latest release so you’re probably not going to see it in too many examples. The second output is for when the halt if logic is true it will output on there.

You flow looks good from the surface view if your halt if logic is correct in the Home/Away node it should work fine. Also you can combine the two call service nodes into one by putting both entity ids into the entity id property seperated by a comma light.living_room_light, light.kitchen_light.