Two tone lighting dimmer controlled

Hi all,

I’m soon buying a new home and really looking forward to outfitting it with some smart home tech. I’ll most likely start with lighting.

For this I have the following requirements, I wasn’t able to Google myself towards a solution or find existing threads on this forum.

  • All the lights should be two tone: from warm until bright white. I don’t care much for other colours.
  • The lights should be dimmable by the physical dimmer and preferably the tone should be adjustable by that physical dimmer. This last part can be done with for example presets in the dimmer.

I can imagine solutions (not too difficult) for this with full smart light bulbs and smart dimmers connected to it.
Q: But I wonder if there’s any solution where only the dimmers can be smart and still meet these requirements?

So you would need a two tone light bulb which is controlled by the smart dimmer.
If it’s not cheaper than the smart bulb <-> smart dimmer set-up it probably wouldn’t make sense :slight_smile: but I would still like to hear your thoughts.

Have a nice day all :slight_smile:

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