I have two PWS uploading to Wunderground. Then I put this in my configuration.yaml:
platform: wundergroundpws
api_key: !secret wunderground_api
pws_id: ISLIED14
numeric_precision: decimal
monitored_conditions:- temp
- dewpt
- humidity
- pressure
- windSpeed
- winddir
- uv
- solarRadiation
- precipTotal
platform: wundergroundpws
api_key: !secret wunderground_api
pws_id: ISLIED12
numeric_precision: decimal
monitored_conditions:- temp
- dewpt
- humidity
- pressure
- windSpeed
- winddir
- uv
- solarRadiation
- precipTotal
It appears that ISLIED14 always works fine, ISLIED12 frequently stops updating.
Any idea’s?