Two ZigBee antennas and one network

Hello everyone,

I have been searching the web and I don’t find the exact answer I would like.

I am wondering if the following is possible WITHOUT having two independent ZigBee networks.

I have a nice in my basement and SLZB-06 upstairs connected through Ethernet. I know there are other solutions to solve this problem, but would it be possible to connect a DongleP (I already have one) or a second SLZB-06 to my nic and “stream” the same zigbee network without having the two antennas talking to each other?

I think the answer is no, but I want to be sure about that :slight_smile:

You are correct.

It is deffitivly not possible. Answer is no. Instead check out the linked Zigbee guide in this ”cookbook”:

Especially my guide here:

The answer is no, but the question is: does it matter. If the two networks are not close enough for a mesh router, the it makes no sense to have them be the same network. It would even be illogical to have messages for one group to possibly also be sent to the other group. So 2 separate mesh would be the way to go. And you can have that.

If the networks are close enough for routers to bridge the gap, then a zigbee router is also fine. If it is the antenna you want (because of better reception/transmission) then you could flash a Sonoff Zigbee dongle with router firmware.

Remember, this is not like wifi where devices “roam” between two hotspots.