TY-WIFI-501 Tasmota Firmware


I have some smart-relays with wi-fi built in that are installed behind my wall light switches to make them “smart” and to be able to control all my lights via HA.

These are the smart-switches that I have:

From my understanding they are basically rebranded MOES QS-WIFI-S03 Module Switch Relay (https://templates.blakadder.com/QS-WIFI-S03.html)

Originally they worked with Tuya cloud (via SmartLife app).

Now I have flashed the Tasmota firmware with Tuya Convert to take my lights off the cloud and to make them use MQTT protocol.

Everything went well, I followed a couple of tutorial on how to install an MQTT broker on HA (MOSQUITTO) and on how to configure my lights with the module configurator via web-ui and now I can control my lights with HA.

The only problem is that it seems that I have lost the ability to toggle the lights on and off manually by pressing the physical button of my light switch.

I assume that this is just a GPIO mapping issue since it was working fine before.

I attached the GPIO mapping that I am currently using and I would like some help on what fields need to be filled and with what so that I can have the ability to toggle my lights on or off manually.

Any help is greatly appreciated!!

Hi, did you manage to get this one sorted out?

Hi Dejan,

no, unfortunately I have not been able to come up with a solution.

I ended up buying the original QS-WIFI-S03 and flashed it with Tuya Convert via OTA flash.

Since recently Tuya Convert isn’t working anymore because on newer devices a firmware-patch has been released (please see my other post: https://github.com/ct-Open-Source/tuya-convert/issues/771) I started buying Shelly 1 smart-relays that offer accessible pin-connections and I was able to flash it using Tasmotizer and I am very happy with them.


Hi @Murder3D ,

i basically got it working (it has been up and running for almost 2 days without any problems). Initially i got some problems with Tasmota 9.1.0 as it was getting the unavailable status in HA (might work now since i updated HA and configured new integration for Tasmota 9.1.0.) so i downgraded to 8.4.0 and used this rather simple template configuration.

It works like a charm, but i guess there are few things missing, like Led.

Note: i got like 10 of this modules just this month for almost 100€ so i had to make them work :slight_smile:

Hope that helps if someone else is looking for a solution.

Hi Dejan,

awesome news, I am happy that you figured out how to make them work. I marked your answer as solution so that anyone else that stumble on the same issue will know how to solve it :slight_smile:


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