tydom2MQTT addon :D - Delta Dore Tydom to MQTT Broker

Just follow instructions on GitHub :wink:

Hello !

Can you confirm me that this component work on your local LAN only with the Tybox, it’s not cloud based and so does not require any internet connection ?

I have a Heater from Atlantic (PAC Atlantic Alfea Duo A.I). I have bought a Cozy Touch bridge which is connected and can be controlled with a smartphone App. I have managed to monitor and control my heater using different kinds of http requests to this cloud. It works but I’d like to find better. It’s not 100% real time, sometimes 30 secons latency and more important it rellies on Altantic cloud and so an internet connection !
Does anybody use Tydom2QMTT addon with an Atlantic heater here ? :slight_smile:


Continuing the discussion from Tydom2mqtt addon :slight_smile: - Delta Dore Tydom to MQTT Broker:

Hello, I am French so my English may not be great.

I had previously on Raspberry installed HomeBridge which had a plugin for Tydom … I decided to switch to HomeAssistant except that I do not understand much when installing your plugin …

To install HASSIO I got the image for my Pi and I flash it on an SD card …

I configured the basic stuff but since I have many windows from Delta Dore I would like to be able to control them with Hassio … So I have the Mosquitto broker Add-on then I managed to put your Add -we
(https://github.com/mrwiwi/tydom2mqtt), I went to the configuration file so I am there the MAC address of my Tydom, its password and its IP address that I have from elsewhere switch to Static DHCP … I did not touch the Mosquitto configuration but when I go to my devices my shutters do not appear … After I have a Tydom 1.0 (without the alarm system)

Please help me :slight_smile:

Try to put an mqtt user and password, I didn’t tested it without…

I try to add switch management with tyxia 4620.
Can anyone help me to find what is the request to send to Tydom ?
I have no idea which params to send…

Bonjour Voici mon message d’erreur :

Setting local mode context.
Starting main loop_task
Attempting MQTT connection...
MQTT host :
MQTT user :  chris
Subscribing to :  +/tydom/#
Building headers, getting 1st handshake and authentication....
Starting /opt/tydom2mqtt/main.py
Task exception was never retrieved
future: <Task finished name='Task-5' coro=<listen_tydom_forever() done, defined at /opt/tydom2mqtt/main.py:104> exception=AttributeError("'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'")>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/tydom2mqtt/main.py", line 113, in listen_tydom_forever
    await tydom_client.connect()
  File "/opt/tydom2mqtt/tydomConnector.py", line 97, in connect
    nonce = res.headers["WWW-Authenticate"].split(',', 3)
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'
Dectecting environnement......
/data/options.json detected ! Hassio Addons Environnement : parsing options.json....
{'TYDOM_MAC': 'mac', 'TYDOM_IP': 'ip', 'TYDOM_PASSWORD': 'password', 'TYDOM_ALARM_PIN': 123456, 'TYDOM_ALARM_HOME_ZONE': 1, 'TYDOM_ALARM_NIGHT_ZONE': 2, 'MQTT_HOST': 'hote', 'MQTT_USER': 'user', 'MQTT_PASSWORD': 'pass', 'MQTT_PORT': 1883, 'MQTT_SSL': False, 'log_level': 'info'}
Initialising TydomClient Class
Setting local mode context.
Starting main loop_task
Attempting MQTT connection...
MQTT host :  hote
MQTT user :  user
Subscribing to :  +/tydom/#
Building headers, getting 1st handshake and authentication....
Starting /opt/tydom2mqtt/main.py
Task exception was never retrieved
future: <Task finished name='Task-5' coro=<listen_tydom_forever() done, defined at /opt/tydom2mqtt/main.py:104> exception=AttributeError("'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'")>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/tydom2mqtt/main.py", line 113, in listen_tydom_forever
    await tydom_client.connect()
  File "/opt/tydom2mqtt/tydomConnector.py", line 97, in connect
    nonce = res.headers["WWW-Authenticate"].split(',', 3)
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'
Attempting MQTT connection...
MQTT host :
MQTT user :  chris
Subscribing to :  +/tydom/#
Building headers, getting 1st handshake and authentication....
Upgrading http connection to websocket....
Attempting websocket connection with tydom hub.......................
Host Target :
Tydom Client is connected to websocket and ready !
Requesting 1st data...
>>>>>>>>>> Sending to tydom client..... GET /info
>>>>>>>>>> Sending to tydom client..... POST /refresh/all
>>>>>>>>>> Sending to tydom client..... GET /configs/file
>>>>>>>>>> Sending to tydom client..... GET /devices/data
<<<<<<<<<< Receiving from tydom_client...
Incoming message type : Info detected
Incoming data parsed successfully !
<<<<<<<<<< Receiving from tydom_client...
<<<<<<<<<< Receiving from tydom_client...
Incoming message type : config detected
Configuration updated
Incoming data parsed successfully !
<<<<<<<<<< Receiving from tydom_client...
Incoming message type : data detected
1611158459 not in dic device_name
1611158459 not in dic device_type
1611158635 not in dic device_name
1611158635 not in dic device_type
1611160882 not in dic device_name
1611160882 not in dic device_type
1611160982 not in dic device_name
1611160982 not in dic device_type
1611161035 not in dic device_name
1611161035 not in dic device_type
1611161112 not in dic device_name
1611161112 not in dic device_type
1611170124 not in dic device_name
1611170124 not in dic device_type
1611170391 not in dic device_name
1611170391 not in dic device_type
Incoming data parsed successfully !
<<<<<<<<<< Receiving from tydom_client...
receiveMessage error
b'PUT /devices/install HTTP/1.1\r\nServer: Tydom-001A25049F3B\r\ncontent-type: application/json\r\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n29\r\n{"protocol":"X3D","installStatus":"idle"}\r\n0\r\n\r\n'
Incoming payload :
Error :
PUT /devices/install HTTP/1.1
Exiting to ensure systemd restart....
Starting /opt/tydom2mqtt/main.py

I tried docker version, and all repository addon but each time same result.

1611160882 not in dic device_name

they are dvi for my door and windows.
How to add missing types?

Hello How did you managed the not in dic device?


I have a Tydom 1.0 linked to a TYWATT 1000 for electrical consumption monitoring. I can see mu electrical consumptions in Tydom application. I can’t see error in Tydom2MQTT logs, addon is configured, connected to MQTT and looks to run fine but I can’t fnd any entity.

Any idea ? :slight_smile:

Hi, I didn’t manage to solve this problem, I tried to run the add-on as standalone in visual studio code but did only come so far as the programm itself was running but I did always get a mqtt error when it tried to connect to the broker.

electrical consumption messages are parsed but not sent to mqtt I think.
here’s an example of message I see in the logs :

Incoming message type : data detected
Incoming data parsed successfully !
<<<<<<<<<< Receiving from tydom_client...
b'PUT /devices/data HTTP/1.1\r\nServer: Tydom-00XXXXXXX\r\ncontent-type: application/json\r\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n72\r\n[{"id":8,"endpoints":[{"id":0,"error":0,"data":[{"name":"energyInstantTotElecP","validity":"upToDate","value":240}\r\n48\r\n,{"name":"energyInstantTotElec_P_Min","validity":"upToDate","value":237}\r\n48\r\n,{"name":"energyInstantTotElec_P_Max","validity":"upToDate","value":476}\r\n44\r\n,{"name":"energyScaleTotElec_P_Min","validity":"upToDate","value":0}\r\n4E\r\n,{"name":"energyScaleTotElec_P_Max","validity":"upToDate","value":9000}]}]}]\r\n\r\n0\r\n\r\n'


I have successfully install tydom2mqtt with my Tyxal CSX40 alarm
Status are correctly received when alarm is armed or disarmed
But arming and disarming alarm is not working

Few information in log :

b'PUT /devices/1609247159/endpoints/1609247159/cdata?name=alarmCmd HTTP/1.1\r\nContent-Length: 29\r\nContent-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8\r\nTransac-Id: 0\r\n\r\n{"value":"None","pwd":"1234"}\r\n\r\n'
Sending to tydom client..... PUT cdata {"value":"None","pwd":"1234"}
<<<<<<<<<< Receiving from tydom_client...
Incoming message type : html detected (probable 404)
<!doctype html>
<head><title>Error 500</title></head>
<h2>Error 500</h2>
<p>Internal server Error</p>

I’ve also tried to remove password, same result…

>>>>>>>>>> Sending to tydom client..... POST /refresh/all
>>>>>>>>>> Sending to tydom client..... GET /configs/file
Sending to tydom client..... PUT cdata {"value":"ON"}
>>>>>>>>>> Sending to tydom client..... GET /devices/data
<<<<<<<<<< Receiving from tydom_client...
Incoming message type : Info detected
Incoming data parsed successfully !
<<<<<<<<<< Receiving from tydom_client...
<<<<<<<<<< Receiving from tydom_client...
Incoming message type : config detected
Configuration updated
Incoming data parsed successfully !
<<<<<<<<<< Receiving from tydom_client...
Incoming message type : html detected (probable 404)
<!doctype html>
<head><title>Error 500</title></head>
<h2>Error 500</h2>
<p>Internal server Error</p>

Is there a way to debug and find the right body to send to my alarm?


First , I would like to thx everybody involved in this nice add-on.
I have my covers and heating system running in HA, thru Mosquito MQTT.
Very nice !!!
Something I am missing from the tydom app. is my outside temperature sensor.
The outside temp. is displayed in the upper right corner of the app. but I don’t see any entities related in HA.

Is it normal behavior or I amassing something?
Maybe this device is not ‘yet’ supported.

I volunteer to help to support it.
Please comment,

Again, thx a lot for your work.

Check your alarm attributes, it should be in it, but it’s not refreshing a lot here…

Sorry, I’m not very available guys (i am a nurse and we are in pandemic still so…), Try to check how messages are build with the tydom CLI from mcrea !

Yeah we need to adapt sensor.py to it, if you know python (it’s easy, I didn’t know it before that !) The code is in the tydom message handler OR in sensor.py

Same as previous answer, check how message is build with and make a PR if you succeed (or post said message in gihub and I will see after covid ;))

So your error is on mqtt side, try again !

Check tydom message handler OR sensor.py

You NEED to touch MQTT config, make sure it works with Dev tool in side bar.