This isn’t really a feature request per se, but I haven’t seen a thread yet for this so wanted to gauge if anyone else was interested or wanted to collaborate. I got a Typhur Sync Gold for Christmas and started looking into what it would take to extract some data from it.
What I’ve started on doesn’t work yet, but I figured I’d share some early progress in case anyone was interested. I have no timeline for finishing this project, and I hope Typhur doesn’t want to take it down!
I started down the “read from the 915MHz probes” route here via rtl_433: Support for Typhur Sync Gold Dual/Quad · Issue #3138 · merbanan/rtl_433 · GitHub - but this will only work for the probes that use RF.
Separately, I wanted to explore what was possible via the Typhur API, which I figured had to exist based on the fact that the devices have WiFi and you can access them remotely. After a lot of fiddling with an Android emulator and Frida, I was able to reverse-engineer at least some of the requests being made to the Typhur servers and started creating a client here - it looks like there’s an MQTT server running in the cloud that might be able to set this up as a “cloud push” integration of sorts vs “cloud polling” eventually.
Bluetooth is another option (I think it’s BLE) which might be the easiest, but haven’t gone down that road yet.
If someone has a physical rooted phone with one of these thermometers (
that’s “bound” to the device) that’d be really helpful to see if there are other API requests being made.