U-Bolt Pro Z-Wave best lock so far but still a failure

Same exact problem here.

I’ve paired it at all 3 security levels (it fails to pair at S2 even with the proper 5 digit code).

Did you ever get this working? Anyone?

Yes, I got it to work with zwave2mqtt.

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Thanks for the reply!

I finally got the Lock to work after about 20 tries.

I am planning on switching to the mqtt from the JS. Is there a reason why the lock would pair with mqtt and not JS?


Don’t think so.

Both the official addon zwave_js · home-assistant/addons (github.com) and the community addon Z-Wave JS UI - Home Assistant Community Add-ons (github.com) are using the same Z-Wave JS Server as the backbone.

As of today they both run the same server version, so the only main difference is in the UI.

So if you want to switch, getting to the UI should be your main reason. Other than that the motivation diminishes.

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Thanks for the reply.

I am trying to set up the JS UI but it is not seeing my hub on the serial port…so digging into that now.

It appears there have been some improvements to (most likely) home assistant.

Now I’m getting the Lock and Unlock status, and it updates fairly quickly, around a second of delay which is fine, as well as the door status!

I think it’s actually a useful piece of hardware now!

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