UART with different baud rates for Tx and Rx (use in Custom Component)

I have a Multical 401 district heater utility meter.
A IR-head is utilised in order to read the data from the utility meter.

The request needs a baud rate of 300. The data comes back with a baud rate of 1200.

At this moment I use two different UART configurations in my ESPHome program to deal with this.

#Multical UART, 2 instances due to different baud-rates for Tx and Rx.
- tx_pin: GPIO21
  baud_rate: 300
  id: uart_tx
- rx_pin: GPIO22
  baud_rate: 1200
  id: uart_rx

In my custom component I create 2 UARTDevices to deal with this. I use _tx (at baud rate 300) to write and _rx (at 1200) to read.

#include "esphome.h"
#include "esphome/core/component.h"

class Multical401 : public PollingComponent, public UARTDevice {

  // Not relevant for question

  Multical401(uint32_t update_interval, UARTComponent *uart_tx, UARTComponent *uart_rx, SKIP : PollingComponent(update_interval), SKIP {
    _tx = new UARTDevice(uart_tx);
    _rx = new UARTDevice(uart_rx);

  void setup() override { }

  void update() override {

    byte sendmsg1[] = { 175,163,177 }; 
  // Not relevant for question
    for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++) {

  // Not relevant for question
    while(r != 0x0A)
      if (_rx->available())
        // receive byte
        r = _rx->read();


Is there a better way to do this? I would like to create just one UART config like:

#Multical UART
- tx_pin: GPIO21
  rx_pin: GPIO22
  baud_rate: 300
  id: uart

In my custom component I would like to change the baud rate to 300 for Tx and 1200 for Rx.
Any suggestions if this is possible?

Small kick. Anyone with an idea how to deal with this?