Ubibot integration

I’d love to see a ubibot integration: https://www.ubibot.io/

They have Restful API’s to access the data logged on their server.

Absolutely 100% this. It would be absolutely wonderful to have.

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I’d love to see this too, I have an Ubibot WS1 light and temperature sensor that I’d like to use to automate the switching on of some indoor lights depending on how dark it is.

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Here too! I have a WS1 and a GS1 monitoring temperatures and humidity in loft and glasshouse. Would be grateful for help in incorporating this with Home Assistant.

Thanks in advance

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Ubibot has such a great variety of sensors in the one device. Woud be fantastic to be able to use.

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I agree! I have 6 Ubibot devices - we use them in all out outbuildings - after a neighbors garage caught on fire I put them in all the buildings - when temps rise I have them call and email - but would love to have other automations in HA be available like flick all the lights in the house (in case phone is on silent or we are asleep).

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thats my use case, out buildings where i have wifi but, HA is very bluetooth/wireless hub centric because everyone lives in a suburban home or apartment that contributes code. not us country folk who need automation on the family home stead and ranch.

4 years later and still no integration … what the heck