Ubuntu, Docker, HASS Core, and ESPHome

I’m brand new to everything, so my apologies in advance for the incorrect terminology and confusion.

I installed Ubuntu on a clean ssd in an i5, then installed HASS Core in a docker container.

It’s running nicely.

I would like to use some devices that require ESPHome.

My understanding is the HASS Core in Docker will not permit use of the ESPHome HA Add-On, right?

But, I can still run ESPHome on the machine.

I installed ESPHome and running: “Sudo docker images” and Sudo docker ps" both show both esphome/esphome as well as home-assistant.

And, I can run the esphome wizard to create .yaml files.

That’s as far as I’ve gotten.

I don’t have the esp hardware yet, but I wanted to be ready for it.

I really have no clue how to next proceed. I tried to install the HA integration and it wants a host and port. When I put in and 6053 I get:

Can’t connect to ESP. Please make sure your YAML file contains an ‘api:’ line.

What should I do next?


It wants to connect to an ESP with ESPhome firmware installed, but you don’t have any. You have to install the HA integration for each ESP device, and the host= the IP address of the ESP.

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I understand now – thank you.