Ugly new Apple Watch complication icon

In my opinion the new Apple Watch complication icon is very ugly.
I was waiting for the developers to update it, because the old one still uses the old HA logo.
And the contrast wasn’t that great especially in Night Mode (In Night Mode it was almost the same colour).

Yesterday’s update brought a redesign of the Apple Watch app home-screen widget, and with it a new widget/ complication icon.
I don’t understand why they chose to defer from the new logo which I think looks much nicer on a small screen due to the lesser detail of the new logo.

Hey Michel, thanks for the feedback. This is going to be updated.

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Hi Bruno, thank you for the reply. Very good to hear!

Thank you for the preview. This icon looks a lot better. The only thing I was thinking about is that most complication icons uses a circular design so they fit more with other icons. Have you considered this?

For example using the notification/ app style icon: