Uhoo Air Sensor

Hi, why not integrate the Uhoo Air sensor?

Go ahead, you can make a custom component if you want. Hopefully they have a API available.

If no developer has access to the physical device an integration is likely not to happen.

There seems at least a Python module available: GitHub - netmanchris/pyuhooair: Python Wrapper for uHoo Air Quality Sensor REST API


I’ve created a custom component for the uhoo air sensor, I’m waiting on a pull request to be accepted by the pyuhooair author before I’ll try to check it back into HA but feel free to try it out and give me a by feedback. It can be found on my GitHub here: https://github.com/mcclown/home-assistant-custom-components


@mcclown thanks for creating the custom component it works very good. I slightly changed your code to use other device_class names so that they will be recognized by Homekit.

DEVICE_CLASS_PM25 = 'pm25'

    'TEMP': {'device_class': DEVICE_CLASS_TEMPERATURE,
             'unit_of_measurement': TEMP_CELSIUS,
             'icon': 'mdi:thermometer'},
    'humidity': {'device_class': DEVICE_CLASS_HUMIDITY,
              'unit_of_measurement': '%',
              'icon': 'mdi:water-percent'},
    'co2': {'device_class': DEVICE_CLASS_CO2,
            'unit_of_measurement': 'ppm',
            'icon': 'mdi:periodic-table-co2'},
    'CO': {'device_class': DEVICE_CLASS_CO,
            'unit_of_measurement': 'ppm',
            'icon': 'mdi:cloud'},
            'unit_of_measurement': 'ppb',
            'icon': 'mdi:cloud'},
    'dust': {'device_class': DEVICE_CLASS_PM25,
             'unit_of_measurement': 'µg/m3',
             'icon': 'mdi:cloud'},
    'ozone': {'device_class': DEVICE_CLASS_OZONE,
             'unit_of_measurement': 'ppb',
             'icon': 'mdi:cloud'},
    'NO2': {'device_class': DEVICE_CLASS_NITROGEN_DIOXIDE,
             'unit_of_measurement': 'ppb',
             'icon': 'mdi:cloud'},
    'air_pressure': {'device_class': DEVICE_CLASS_PRESSURE,
              'unit_of_measurement': 'nPa',
              'icon': 'mdi:cloud'},
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Great to see someone using it. I’ll have a look at adding these changes back into my code.

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There is a version 0.0.2 of pyuhooair and temperature is working now.

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i am new to this, and have a few questions:

I own a uhoo air device, how do i integrate this with home assistant ? I copied the custom_components created by @mcclown to its respective folder in HA.

I dont see this component in my HA under integration “+” after reboot , i reboot twice. still no luck

I also notice there is some Python module, maybe i need to install this first ? in that case, how to install that ? pyuhooair · PyPI