UI based Blueprint creator?

New to HA and just found Blueprints… would be great if there was a way to modify Blueprints (even in a basic way) using an UI for those of us who dont know YAML and cant learn it since we have a ton just to get setup in HA already.

A basic example like the below automation. I want this and have an exception to when the light comes on… it should no come on if ‘Scene-Switch’ is on. This is just one very basic example. In other cases it would be based on time of day, LUX reading on the device, and in some cases it would be an AND-NOT IF any of these were true.

The UI based Blueprint creator is literally the Automation or Script editor you probably have found already.

So the right way to write a Blueprint, (well let’s call it best practice and the method suggested in the docs), is to write an automation or script that does a simplified version of that you want first, then add the blueprint magic sauce. Getting the logic working is not always easy, and becomes obfuscated in all that variable substitution stuff, making everything frustrating.
Get what you want working, then make the blueprint out of that by adding the !inputs and variables and such. Try to avoid device triggers and selectors. You can make them work, but people tend to struggle with those when dealing with them outside of the GUI editor context.

There are generally 2 reasons to make a blueprint.

  1. because you want to do the same thing multiple times, like my script blueprint to talk to my broadlink and program buttons to turn on and off my AV equipment. I have re-used that script blueprint about a dozen times in my config.
  2. You are doing something you think is cool and you want to share it with others.
    If you are doing something only once, the blueprint only complicates things for you.
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Thank you. I have several automations I want that are nearly identical, like…

  1. motion to turn on light if specific conditions are met (time of day, <LUX, etc) :: then turn them off if motion stops :: but not if motion continues and not if a ‘scene switch’ is on
  2. Sync dimmers in a specific Group with each-other. **since Zooz z-wave dimmers do not use native zwave scenes for dim level, arg :frowning: