UI: cannot select color or color temp in automation using service light turn on

Hello everybody,

I just started playing around with Home Assistant for a few days. Before I was using OpenHAB for a while. I’m running Home Assistant, Zigbee2MQTT and mosquitto in separate containers on a Raspi based NAS. I managed to integrate a bunch of devices and successfully setup several automations – so far so good…

Now I stumbled over a problem where I can’t find an answer. This is my 1st post in this forum – hope my question is not too stupid :wink:

I’ve two color light bulbs – one from Ikea and one from Lidl. Both seem to work fine. Using the device control UI I can change the color and color temp for both bulbs without problems.

I’d like to create an automation that switches a bulb on and that sets color and color temp. I’m using the service “Light: Turn On”. I can select the bulb as device or entity, and I can set the brightness – works fine. But when I check color or color temp the UI does not offer any picker for color or color temp?!? Am I doing something wrong here?

Welcome to the community forums!

Congrats, you’ve found a bug :grin: But help is near: Fix color_rgb and color_temp selector import (#14369) · home-assistant/frontend@65426bd · GitHub

Meanwhile, you can switch to yaml mode in the automation editor and add manually the wanted rgb color. Please note that you can only select one descriptor, either color or color temperature.

Thx for the prompt reply!

Thanks for the explanation. I hope it will be resolved soon. In the 20 November 22 update, it is not yet.

How do I know the color or temperature code to enter?

Kind regards

Turn on your light and select a color (or temperature).
Go to Developer Tools —> States, pick your light and look at the attributes.