My mom would like to turn on and off by timer some devices. So I need now to make it doable from UI.
I know how to do half of that - input boolean to choose time. But I do not know how to choose entity from UI (ios app). Is there a nice way to do that?
Seems that it is pretty simple
Have a good day
I guess you could you use an input_select to chose between the entities and then som automation to save the configured on/off time.
I would probably go for two input_datetime (on/off) and an input_boolean (manual/auto) per light.
Not at my HA instance so don’t want to provide any example code since I can’t check it (can fix later if you want me to).
I will play with that and try to make it work. Maybe will need some more help with examples, so I will write. Thank you
Getting a little bit trouble with automation. I used input_select
and input_datetime
(on and off) but do not know how to create automations.
name: Plug timer
- "Курица"
- "Утюг"
name: "Включить"
has_date: true
has_time: true
name: "Выключить"
has_date: true
has_time: true
Can not find here the way to make it a trigger.
Here is it in UI
Would be nice to see some examples.
Actually they end up using 9:00 as a trigger and then date_time as a condition. That is not what I need
I want to set first date_time to turn device on and set second date_time for turning that device off
There is an example of using input_datetime as a trigger in the input_datetime documentation https://www.home-assistant.io/components/input_datetime/
I hope that helps
I got working the trigger and now struggling with action. I have more than 1 device, so I need in some way to write “if input_select is “one” - do one thing; if input_select is “two” - do another thing…”
How can I write that? It should be doable with templates?
I guess you should be able to do something like
data_template: >-
{% if states.input_select.xxx.state == 'one' %}
entity_id: switch.a
{% elif states.input_select.xxx.state == 'two' %}
entity_id: switch.b
{% endif %}
The template editor under developer tools in the menu is a great resource to figure out templates.
Thank you
Finally got it working
- service: switch.turn_on
entity_id: >-
{% if states.input_select.plugs.state == 'Утюг' %}
{% elif states.input_select.plugs.state == 'Курица' %}
{% endif %}
Your example did not want to work in automation but it did in template editor
Sweet! that you post the solution so others might find it
Thank you for help and finding the way again