UI displays different colors for different lights when ON

I have two groups of lights, Outside and Side. When turned on, white is used for one group, outside, but yellow is used for the other group. The cards types and configuration are identical, so I’m not sure what’s going on here, although I am sure the Outside group once displayed yellow when on.

Any ideas?

Post your yaml, it is probably something like:

state_color: true


state_color: false

Wow, that was fast!

This is the yaml for the Outside (white) lights

type: entities
  - entity: light.garage_light
    secondary_info: last-changed
    icon: 'mdi:coach-lamp'
  - entity: light.porch_light_2
    icon: 'mdi:coach-lamp'
    secondary_info: last-changed
title: Outside
show_header_toggle: true
state_color: true
theme: ios-light-mode-light-blue

yaml for side lights:

type: entities
  - entity: light.side_door_light_1
    icon: 'mdi:coach-lamp'
  - entity: light.side_door_light_2
    icon: 'mdi:coach-lamp'
title: Side
show_header_toggle: true
state_color: true
theme: ios-light-mode-light-blue


Hum, add secondary_info to the side lights and see if the color changes.
I use secondary_info for last change for most of my entities; but I also you the auto-entities card for most too.
Are the side lights ‘available’; I have noticed that I get a 3rd color for binary states when they are not available.

I tried adding secondary info, but the side lights stay yellow when turned on and is still white for the outside lights if I remove secondary info.

Try removing the theme for testing; I don’t think that is it but you never know.

Thanks, but still no go.

I don’t know what to try next.
Have you tried creating the cards from scratch and seeing what the outcome is?
Maybe create a new tab and create the cards from scratch and see what happens.

Yes I did try that. I even duplicated the “working” card and replaced the entities. I sure that was smart, but nope. Thanks for your help, I can live with it for now.

Do you have a global theme or some type of theme integration or add-on?

Yes, but I installed the latest update to Core and now it works!
Screen Shot 2021-06-05 at 8.58.37 PM|464x500

I’m glad to be of absolutely no useful service to you. :grinning:

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