UI not showing

Hei Guys,
yesterdays evening I installed current HA image on my Rpi 4 2GB.
After setting up everthing (Mqtt plugin and view other integrations, unfortunately neither the samba plugin nor ssh plugin ) I shut the rpi down using the UI. Today I started the RPI again. It is accessible over ping but the UI doesn’t show anymore. Unfortunately the new RPi uses micro HDMI and I got no adaptor. I used to login via ssh configured by USB stick but this also did not work. Does anybody have a suggestion how I could save my installation? What I defenitly not want to do is reinstall.

Hope anyone can help.


That may be your only option. Unless you want to wait until you can get an HDMI adapter.

You can copy the entire /config folder from the old to new installation. You will then only have to set up any addons to get back to where you were. Or you can copy off the snapshots from the /backup folder and restore using that.

Read the SD card in a Linux PC or Windows PC running Linux Reader (free) to get your /config data.

Another option could be to read the home assistant log using the same method and correct any obvious errors.

Did you have the PI on a static/reserved IP address? Could it just be on another address after the shutdown/restart?

If you are using the homeassistant.local try the IP direct method, the former has been known to cause issues on some networks/machines.

He said he could ping it. So I discounted the DHCP possibility. Though he could be pinging something else that picked up the lease…

I managed to get an adapter for this little hdmi port. So now I can see whats going on.
The base linux seems to start pretty nice (every line showing OK status).
The next lines are:
Welcome to Home Assistant
homeassistant login:

going further with root and no password

Next Line is a warning: [WARN] Home Assistant CLI is nor running! Jump into emergency console…

What can I do now ?

I’m missing opportunities.

Hope anybody can help me.


exit back to the ha console.

Then do this:

ha core check

That will take some time.

Also check the logs:

ha core logs

Unfortunately After Exiting the Login appears again (i think Thats because i activated the watchdog) Any suggestions how to inhibit this?

I had a look there’s bugger all documentation on the emergency console that I could find.

You mean a Bug? OK, so what does that mean for me ?

No not a bug.

Bugger all == Australian slang for nothing or next to nothing.

It means I have no idea how to help. There are no instructions for using the emergency console that I can find.

OK, appreciate your help. Thank you. So now I’m back at the point I was when asking the Question. Can anybody help?

All that did not help

What can I achieve plugging in the SD Card into my PC? Can I access the logs this way ?


I cannot find a /config folder in Linux Reader. There are a few drives, but where is the config?

/mnt/data (hassos-kernel)
/var/lib/systemd (hassos-overlay)
/var/log/journal (hassos-data)
Volume 3
Volume 4
Volume 5

Or maybe here:

OK got it:

2021-01-19 20:02:08 WARNING (Thread-7) [homeassistant.components.mqtt] Disconnected from MQTT server core-mosquitto:1883 (1)
2021-01-19 20:30:48 WARNING (Thread-7) [homeassistant.components.mqtt] Disconnected from MQTT server core-mosquitto:1883 (1)
2021-01-19 20:40:31 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection] [2905650752] Error handling message: Multi-level wildcard must be the last character in the topic filter. for dictionary value @ data[‘topic’]. Got ‘#/sensors’
2021-01-19 20:40:51 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection] [2905650752] Error handling message: Multi-level wildcard must be the last character in the topic filter. for dictionary value @ data[‘topic’]. Got ‘#/sensors’
2021-01-19 20:40:53 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection] [2905650752] Error handling message: Multi-level wildcard must be the last character in the topic filter. for dictionary value @ data[‘topic’]. Got ‘#/sensors’
2021-01-19 20:40:53 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection] [2905650752] Error handling message: Multi-level wildcard must be the last character in the topic filter. for dictionary value @ data[‘topic’]. Got ‘#/sensors’
2021-01-19 20:41:01 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection] [2905650752] Error handling message: Multi-level wildcard must be the last character in the topic filter. for dictionary value @ data[‘topic’]. Got ‘#sensors
2021-01-19 20:41:02 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection] [2905650752] Error handling message: Multi-level wildcard must be the last character in the topic filter. for dictionary value @ data[‘topic’]. Got ‘#sensors
2021-01-19 20:56:16 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.state] Integration sensor does not support reproduce state

Search your configuration.yaml file (or the included yaml files) for an mqtt sensor with “#sensors” in the topic.

Comment out the sensor, save the file and try restarting.

I found a configuration.yaml next to the log file in var/log/journal/supervisor/homeassistant

but this seams to be a default one:

# Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc)

# Text to speech
  - platform: google_translate

group: !include groups.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml

wondering if there are other locations

the included files are empty

can the configuration.yaml be broken ?