UI selection of helper dropdown options?

Edit: modifying to make a request.

Wish that when calling Input select: select service, the UI auto-completed the available options for the input select, rather than me having to free-type it into the text field.


Hi all -

I’ve just started using dropdown helpers to manage some lighting scenes and they’re working great.

Just wondering, when I set an option via the UI in an automation action, it would be nice if the possible options auto-completed in the UI, instead of me typing them manually and hoping I remember them properly and don’t have spelling errors.

Is there a way to do this and I’m just missing it?


don’t believe there’s a way to configure this.
you could add a feature request in the feature request section of this community if you’d like. or adjust this one (change your post a touch to make it a request and change the category from configuration to feature requests).

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Okey doke, thanks!