Every time I try and modify an attribute for a sensor using the UI Developer tool States window. My changes only last 20-30 seconds and then it reverts back to the original settings. I have been at it over an hour reading documentation and the forum with NEGRES. What am I missing? Thanks for any help you can offer.
I am trying to assign a device_class: for a door sensor so it will say open/close vice on/off.
You need to set the device class through customization.
In configuration.yaml add this in the section homeassistant:
customize: !include customize.yaml
It should look like this:
customize: !include customize.yaml
Then create a file called customize.yaml in the same directory as configuration.yaml and add the following to this file (where binary_sensor.door_sensor is the entity id of the sensor you want to change):
Well yes I have 27 lines in my configuration.yaml (2 of them comments) so I do have 25 lines I can’t get put in packages. EVERYTHING else is in packages.