UI "States" not saving changes

Every time I try and modify an attribute for a sensor using the UI Developer tool States window. My changes only last 20-30 seconds and then it reverts back to the original settings. I have been at it over an hour reading documentation and the forum with NEGRES. What am I missing? Thanks for any help you can offer.

I am trying to assign a device_class: for a door sensor so it will say open/close vice on/off.

You need to set the device class through customization.

In configuration.yaml add this in the section homeassistant:

customize: !include customize.yaml

It should look like this:

  customize: !include customize.yaml

Then create a file called customize.yaml in the same directory as configuration.yaml and add the following to this file (where binary_sensor.door_sensor is the entity id of the sensor you want to change):

  device_class: door

Just a heads up. If you have this file created, you can use the GUI to manage all customizations.


Thank you this worked. Been pulling my hair our

Or you can do it in packages :rofl:


Is there even something you can’t do with packages? :crazy_face: :joy:

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Well yes I have 27 lines in my configuration.yaml (2 of them comments) so I do have 25 lines I can’t get put in packages. EVERYTHING else is in packages.

I think mine is about the same length. By the way, do you have a public Git repo?


10 char limit