Hi All.
I am wondering if this is possible and if so what is the cheapest hardware that will work well?
I currently have Home Assistant installed on a NAS using Docker but I do not really use it currently, I have a Smart Things Home Hub, and several Zigbee enabled Amazon Echo devices if that makes any difference.
I haven’t really messed around with this stuff for a couple years so I am out of date as to what is possible and which devices can easily interface with which.
I would like to get a Smart Thermostat and 9 Smart TRV’s which I would then like to use in the following manner.
At particular times of day, if a particular room is below a set temperature for that room turn on the heating and open the radiator in that room and any other room which is below the target temperature for that room at that particular time of day regardless of what the smart thermostat thinks the overall house temperature is. So if my Living Room, where my Thermostat is located, is at my desired temperature but my office is still below that temperature keep the heating on and also if I decide that the Living Room should be cold but I want to bedrooms warm that once the bedrooms are at the desired temperature the heating will go off even though the thermostat is registering a cold living room. Basically I want to automate the house heating so that the smart thermostat (or Home Assistant really I guess?) controls the heating based on the individual room temperatures and the time of day. If this is possible what is the best way to achieve this?