UK Consumer unit power monitoring

I’m hoping to track energy usage for 4 circuits in my consumer unit. Cooker, electric shower, upstairs lights and downstairs lights. Other individual appliances are currently being tracked by Tapo smart plugs where appropriate.

What would be the cleanest way to track these and can anybody recommend suitable monitors? Ideally they would be DIN mounted. There is a wifi access point in the same room as the consumer unit. I’ve also included a photo of the consumer unit. Thanks!

I have the similar setup and ended up using a zigbee dual CT clamp module to monitor oven and immersion heater. I can’t seem to find a 4-way one though. It does clamp to a DIN rail and works fine thorough the metal unit. I did try a WIFI version and that would always drop connection.

There is this from Shelly but be aware that there is a live busbar under the DIN rail and this stopped me fitting a standard DIN unit to my unit. You may be able to cut the busbar ?

Or there are these, they look quite small so might fit ?!GBP!42.53!19.39!!!!!%40!12000038883589037!ppc!!!&src=google&albch=shopping&acnt=494-037-6276&isdl=y&slnk=&plac=&mtctp=&albbt=Google_7_shopping&aff_platform=google&aff_short_key=UneMJZVf&gclsrc=aw.ds&&albagn=888888&&ds_e_adid=&ds_e_matchtype=&ds_e_device=c&ds_e_network=x&ds_e_product_group_id=&ds_e_product_id=en1005006966493139&ds_e_product_merchant_id=5354882377&ds_e_product_country=GB&ds_e_product_language=en&ds_e_product_channel=online&ds_e_product_store_id=&ds_url_v=2&albcp=17859500389&albag=&isSmbAutoCall=false&needSmbHouyi=false&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAneK8BhAVEiwAoy2HYRGo04YG6Qfgkj58L905pR2VUT3gRBDavlkF_6bQVkgRMlA1DyewbRoC4TsQAvD_BwE,scm-url:1007.40196.366991.0,pvid:1e1cf05a-e789-4929-a5f1-9ba92381be43,tpp_buckets:668%232846%238112%231997&pdp_npi=4%40dis!GBP!80.54!29.81!!!707.77!261.97!%40210330dd17380562266995675e75d0!12000035421607338!rec!UK!4536424810!X&utparam-url=scene%3ApcDetailTopMoreOtherSeller|query_from%3A

I’ve used the Shelly EM with 2 current clamps.
The modules are in a plastic enclosure next to the consumer unit. (Solves the wifi in a metal box problem)
I’ve flashed these with Tasmota, but the stock Shelly firmware may be enough for you.