UK "smart" energy meters

When/if you contact them I’d suggest doing it by email if possible but to save some time and make sure you get all the info you need email Hildebrand & Glowmarkt Support ([email protected]).

They are really good at digging out the information as a ‘Jane’ there was able to tell me the exact minimum firmware I need to have on both my Gas and Electricity meter which supports the “dcc_other” user which is what they use to poll the information.

Hope this helps and good luck…

Hey folks,

I’ve finally been offered a “proper” SMETS2 meter (As opposed to an upgrade to my existing SMETS1 meter!) - I’ve been told that I’m going to be given an Aclara meter from Shell Energy.

Obviously I’ll be looking closely at the plugins above for the electricity monitoring, but do these plugins also support the Gas meter?

The Hildebrand will pull both Gas and Electricity provided the firmware of the equipment supports the DCC_Other user.

I had my meters fitted about 3 months ago and had to go through my energy supplier to get the firmware upgraded as they couldn’t read the electricity meter data as it had the incorrect firmware.


Thanks, looks like I’m good to go then, just need the meters to be installed!

I’ve implemented the script and I can see the sensors in the entites list. However, if I try to add these entities in the Utility menu, they are not listed.


You may want to raise this as a bug with the integration for the device you’re trying to add.

It’s not an integration though. :slight_smile:

The post you’ve replied to suggests the Geohome integration is being used.

Have you added the sensor to your Recorder?

Depends what you classify as an integration. I was using the script that was posted above (who’s comment I replied to).

Recorder? What’s that?

is that actually needed for the Energy monitoring functionality? Other entities appear in the list, just not the new sensors.

TBH, I’m not sure, I’m having trouble keeping up to date with the updates.

I’m on a fixed rate until the end of February so I might hang fire and see if things change once I return to the market rate. Because costs are totally shafted right now there is no point me doing another fix.

It’s hardly worth hassling British Gas over it when the tarrif is so near to the end.

Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll keep that in mind and will update when I have more info.

With regards to getting data from Geo Trio I have used MrJT’s instructions and all is working. (post 101)

My main issue that I can’t seem to be able to resolve is that the gas data is loaded in the Energy tab as m3 not kWh. Has anyone been able to change this and if so how?

I’ve got a UK Smart Meter (Chameleon) which I’ve added to Smarthings app, now it looks like it’s getting data when I look at the life tab on the smarthings app, I’ve added smarthings integration to home assistant - created the token through samsung website but no data is coming through. On the smarthings app, on devices it says smart meter connected but energy metre saying 0.0 Kwh which is different to the what’s showing on the life tab. Any ideas ?

Hi stepea - I tried setting the exact same thing up with my Chameleon IHD3-PPMID and Smartthings. Everything worked with the token but I also didn’t get any data coming through.
I gave up and removed it from Smartthings, and instead went down the route of using the Hildebrand Glow (DCC) integration and using the ‘Bright’ app on my Android for comparison. Everything is working well with this integration and it exposes the following entities in HA:


The data is delayed by 30 minutes, however if you want real-time data they do also sell CAD hardware which will give you this.

Thanks I guess this won’t work as my supplier is edfenergy. What the best alternative in replacing their equipment with my own.