Ulanzi/AWTRIX Problems

Hello, I bought a Ulanzi Clock a few weeks ago. I played on this AWTRIX, loaded my icons and now want to display different entities alternately (pool temperature, electricity price, etc.) unfortunately I can’t get the messages sent or values ​​transferred via Mosquito.

I have already found out in the watch overview that if I send a message directly via Mosquito (for example “Hi”), this message will only be transmitted if I activate the “Template” button. Not without an activated template.

How do I have to adapt my automation in this regard? Unfortunately, I haven’t found a solution on YouTube or here in the forum.

Hi @Pokulemon

I publish applications on my AWTRIX powere ULANZI using service calls like this:

service: mqtt.publish
  topic: smart_display/custom/indoortemp
  payload: |-
      "text": "{{ states('sensor.thermostat_air_temperature') }}{{ state_attr('sensor.thermostat_air_temperature', 'unit_of_measurement') }}",
      "textCase": 2,
      "pushIcon": 0,
      "repeat": 3,
      "icon": "41019"

What are you using?

Thanks for your example. I haven’t programmed anything yet because nothing worked. I only tried a few automations as a test (send push) but it already failed. I’ll adjust your automation for myself and test whether it works. Unfortunately, I now have to reinstall the AWTRIX because it can no longer be connected.

this is the code I use for ulanzi clock with awtrix installed

  • service: mqtt.publish
    topic: awtrix_0a89f0/notify
    qos: ‘0’
    payload: ‘{“text”: “Back Door Open”, “icon”: “9766”, “duration”: 10}’