Ultimaker or any 3d printer

I am having issue whit my printer and looking into new printer. I am using alot of the time ultimaker s5 and yes you pay more but quality looks also beter.
I can get one for a decent price almost new.
But also looking in to bambulabs printer.

The thing is for ultimaker there is an intergration for. But this is not updated last 3years. Can’t find if this is still working correct.
Is there someone that can explain more about this

I see octoprint but this means need to install on the printer. I do not like to update a printer that i am getting new.

What are my options. And what do other people have.

Octoprint doesn’t need installing on the printer. I have a completely unmodified Anycubic 3D printer, and Octoprint is run on a spare laptop controlling it via USB. Works brilliantly, and I get job status, video feed and temperature information through HA.

Intel i5 laptop is certainly overkill, though: it’d be fine on a Pi or similar SBC. My laptop had a dodgy screen so I put Ubuntu on it then removed literally everything except the motherboard and hard drive, mounting it under the printer shelf with 3D-printed mounts.

I have to agree, you do pay more for Ultimaker 3D printers :wink: but my Ultimaker 2 Extended has been running flawlessly for 8 years now, just with regularly greasing/oiling the important parts.

As that model wasn’t connected back then I do not have any experience with any integration though.

I can say for prusa mk4: it integrates perfectly into HA, doesn’t require octoprint, since it has built-in lan… check out.

See indeed that there is prusalink for it. But see there is not a constant camera feature in to it.

The reason i am looking to s5 is more because the 2 extruders, only the bowdrn setup is less. But also love that it is 2.85mm filament instead of 1.75mm.
Whit my creality have severall times issue that it bends and does not extrude correctly. But have himera and e3d nozzel on it and cant get the setup right.

Prusa has 5-filament addon option, too (multimaterial)… :wink: not mentioning new (expensive, thouhgh) XL, which has 5 heads with quick change.

Regarding camera: yes, i miss that, too. Camera can be integrated into prusa, but for now only android phone as a camera can be used. So i just use regular IP camera for that.

2.85 nozzle is pretty “special”… why would you want one? I think that 2.85 is slowly … dying… i never had issues with 1.75 filament on my 3 prusa’s. Ok, i 've had some on my old MK3, but it turned out it was extreme summer heat fault - motor became too hot and it heated filament via motor shaft and filament gears when filament speed was very small (small prints, high details) causing to become “soft”. After i mounted extra fan on extuder motor problems were gone.

I just picked up a used S5 and I’m trying to get it into home assistant using the aforementioned integration. I have the configuration.yaml correct I think, but it’s not yet being picked up as a device in home assistant.

FYI, from the docs, you no longer need to setup the camera in the config.yaml; you can just add a generic camera integration w/ the printer port (:8080) and it works fine for snapshots. THAT part is working; if I get the printer going, I’ll report back.

Update: I was able to get the sensors up successfully into Home Assistant.


  1. install HACS (if needed)
  2. Install ultimaker Hacs integration
  3. Add sensor entries to config.yaml
  4. add generic camera integration
  5. add camera still image URL
  6. restart home assistant.

If it’s configured, you should now see the camera and the sensor entities.

You should be able to at least test your printer API is working by hitting: http://your-printer-ip/api/v1/printer

Note: I’ve read that it’s possible to add a second camera via the front USB port (or a USB hub if you want to get fancy). I’ve yet to do that, but I think I’ve got a spare camera around and may give it a go. In that case, I believe it just enumerates the port (so :8080 for first camera, :8081 for second IIRC).

I’ve yet to add a card to the UI with the info, but I verified that all the sensors (print progress, hot end info, bed temp, etc) are all in the data. I suppose now adding an automation for notifications or to flash a light or whatever should be trivial.

after some decisions, I have made my choise and took a bambu lab x1c.
Mean reason was after I saw no difference between bambu and ultimaker. 2nd hand ultimaker is double in pice, but without the faster speed.
Saw print time on bambu lab lowered by 3x. Whit ultimaker print took 18hours and whit bambu lab 6hours.
That made my choise way easier.
Got it and printed already 1.5kg without any problems