Umm...“Post http://hassio/homeassistant/start: dial tcp connect: connection refused”

I tried to use “homeassistant start” command in hassio-cli to start my system…
but It says:“Post http://hassio/homeassistant/start: dial tcp connect: connection refused”

Did you fix this? I am having same issue now.

This problem will never be solved…
I’ve give it up…
Now I use Home-assistant(Python) ,instead of,
Have a nice day!

This is my first day with hassio, only because Stringify is being taken down. Have the same problem as above. Noone seems able to answer it.

Same issue. It booted, has an IP address on my LAN which I can Ping but I cannot connect - it seems to have this internal 72.30… IP. I am not a Linux person and don’t want to be - I just need something that works.

This sux. What are the devs doing!

I just had the same problem. It turned out that the Ethernet connection was not working properly for med (perhaps a IPv6 problem). I connected to WiFi using this guide and everything stared to work…