Hopefully a quick question.
I was using www/config to store my snapshots, and in the notification parameters I included a clickAction with the full URL that is externally accessible. This works, I get the cropped thumbnail, and if i click it I get the full image in chome (can zoom and everything).
On reading the documentation again, i learned of media_source integration, and would like to use this to secure those images.
I don’t think the documentation quite covers how to click into to open up the image if using media-source integration…
Only that the ClickAction for android needs to be externally accessible - well i’m unsure how exactly the media-source integration works here. I get unathorised 401 when i try this - i think because the click action is opening the image in Chrome and not within the home companion app.
I also have iOS notifcations for my partners device, actually the way it works there would be OK for me on Android.
The key difference is on iOS if you hold press on the thumbnail you get a scaled but full view (un-cropped) of the snapshot.
on Android I have not found how to do this, in the notifications it is a scaled AND cropped thumbnail, and unfortunately for me it will always crop the part of the image which actually shows the front door - easily the most important bit.
So i don’t mind how i do it on android, so has anyone else got full snapshot image viewing using media-source integration on the home companion notifications?
please tell me how you did it,