Unable do delete a switch created by helper

I’m using HA 2024.1.0

I created a switch with a helper.

But I can’t delete the switch. I clicked on the entity, on the gearwheel and see only an empty window, only the name is visible.

I’m not all that well versed with HA yet, but you may be able find entities like that in the Developer Tools / Statistics page.

I’ve had a few entities that were orphaned and they were listed there with a Remove option.

Otherwise, I’ll be watching for what someone else suggests. Only 3 weeks with HA, I’ve a ways to go. :upside_down_face:

Hi Bob,
thank you for your reply.
No, its not DeveloperToolsArea. For me it looks like a bug.

I hope I get feedback from some experts :slight_smile:

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clear your cache and refresh the page. Also that’s an input boolean, you should be able to adjust that from the helper area.


I cleared the cache and indeed, now I have access to all settings and DELETE.

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