Hello everyone, I successfully installed Home Assistant OS on Virtual Machine Manager on my Raspberry Pi 4B and I can access the main page from the Raspberry Pi (where the virtual machine manager is installed) by using the IP address found on the network info of the virtual machine. However, if I use the same address from e.g. a laptop on the same network, I cannot reach Home Assistant.
The raspberry Pi is connected to my router via WiFi and home assistant has internet access since it can download add-ons and access cloud services.
I’m struggling to understand why the host (raspberry pi) can access the link, but any other device not.
Any idea where to find the right external address or how to setup some kind of missing (network) bridge ?
This doesn’t sound like it has anything to do with HAOS and everything o do with how you haven’t properly configured your “Virtual Machine Manager”, which you haven’t even mentioned whatever software it is use are using…
The description is consistent with having set up your hypervisor network as a router network and not as a bridge network.
If you can not select a bridge network set up, then it might be due to a missing promiscous mode on the netcard driver in the hypervisor.