I am having difficulties adding Automations via the UI. When I add one, I get this error message displayed on the web page.
Message malformed: required key not provided @ data[‘trigger’][0][‘entity_id’]
I had been mucking around manually editing automations in my automations.yaml file, so I thought I must have stuffed something up, but could not figure it out. Eventually, I just cleared the whole file (so automation.yaml is now blank), restarted HA, and I am still getting this error message, even if I add a new automation and just change the title and hit ‘Save’.
I have checked the Hassio tab and it doesn’t give me an option to update (I updated reasonably frequently) so I believe I am on the right version.
Running ‘hassio info’ from the command prompt yields this information.
arch: armv7
channel: stable
hassos: “3.8”
homeassistant: 0.104.3
hostname: hassio
logging: info
machine: raspberrypi3
supervisor: “195”
- armv7
- armhf
Can anybody point me in the right direction? I’ve been running a stable system for more than 6 months, so this is really surprising.