Unable to add ONVIF Camera

Hello All

I have 3 HIKVISION Cameras set with ONVIF (ON). They worked great on my HA for over a year. Yesterday, all 3 cameras stopped working. I am trying to re-configure them, but having issues. I have tried everything I know but they just would not work.

Anyone else having same issues?


I’ve had the same issue … Four Scricam IP cameras set up as ONVIF1 under ffmpeg which had been working for over two years …

The 10sec static image updates ok … but when you click on the static image (which then previously displayed a live video pop up) nothing is displayed in the pop up … just black blank screen …

I’ve tried numerous config changes but nothing works 8-(

First I’d check to see if onvif is working outside HA. You can use onvif device manger to do that.



I am not sure if anything has changed with ONVIF. I am not able to install cameras through ONVIF ( e.g. Configuration > Integration > ONVIF. It does not find my cameras.

I also tried by entering configuration but it fails.

Any thoughts?

Thanks, I will try

Hi Mikafila

I just tried. I am getting following error message for all 3 cameras. I don’t really know what that means:


click on a camera, top left corner of the app enter your user name and password, then log inScreenshot 2021-03-20 054519


Just tried:

Getting account locked message:

It is not true as I can log in to the camera using web interface.

The web interface enters through a different protocol, so it may be. I am wondering if ha is trying to log in with a bad password or user name. that’s why there is many attempts. Maybe give it some time before trying again. Also remove the integration if you haven’t already.


Thanks for your help. I did remove the integration last night. As I couldn’t get it to work, I installed “motion-eye” to see if that works. Camera work through motion-eye. I will remove that too, so have a clean slate.

I will keep looking but if you do think something else, please let me know.

I had some chinese ptz camera also working for half a year with onvif (wound automatically) but after some network issues I had, it lost connection and now I cant add it back.
How did you end up solving your situation?
Checked with onvif device manager - finds, works… HA cant find and I cant add…

Same here. 4 Axis devices, all are able to connect to ONVIF Device manager, but just 1 to HA ONVIF integration

Between the 4 devices I see this difference:

  • the one that connects to ONVIF integration support Onvif profile G and profile S
  • the three that do not connect to the ONVIF integration only support onvif profile S

The ONVIF integration supports profile S.

All 4 cameras used to be automatically detected when I was using HA 2022.10.x (at that time I was still testing/learning HA etc).

Now I am on HA version 2022.11.4 and trying to build my production system.

Anyone, any idea?

Same on 11.5 had worked well on 10.5 and now cannot atart or re add - unknown error:( wondering if anyone got it fixed ?

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I’m still using HA core-2022.7.6 because I’m unable to add ONVIF cameras to any version after that…

I’ve tried all other versions after except 2022.11.xx (NOV & DEC) because I’ve given up on updating… I’ve tried adding from scratch, starting with a new HA install, removing & re-adding and nothing has worked with my cameras (HIKVISION).

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Also having the same issue here. Interested if anyone finds a solution to this

I had a problem connecting to my Dahua NVR. The ONVIF integration would automatically find the NVR but then fail to connect when entering my username and password. The user credentials I was using was username “admin” and it had admin privileges on my NVR. I figured I should use a different user on the NVR for HA so I created a new user called “onvif” with exactly the same password as a test. These new credentials for some strange reason worked. I’m not sure if the ONVIF integration has some built in mechanism to not allow the use of usernames like “admin”.

I have a hikvision NVR. When I added a user via user management, it did not work.

When I go to “Network”, “Advanced Configuration”, “Integration Protocol”, I can enable ONVIF and Add a user.