I’ve set up a HA install when I received all my shutter modules (Fibaro FGR 222) so I can include them in HA before we move in our new house, done without issues (controller is a Aeotec Z stick Gen5). A few months later I started working on the real installation, with 2 modules, worked fine but had some issues with HA and so I installed from scratch a hassbian install on a RPi.
Since then I have some trouble with adding new or recognizing modules already associated.
Out of options, I removed all the nodes, reset the Z stick, deleted the zwave files (pyozw.sqlite, zwcfg_0x…xml etc) and started from scratch again, but not luck…
In the OZWlog.txt it seems the adding node mode starts but nothing happens, and then if I hit “cancel command”, then several lines appear, but obviously no new node appears in HA…
Here is an example, waiting 3 minutes between hitting add node (17:05) secure and cancel command (17:08).
2018-12-26 17:05:43.510 Info, contrlr, FUNC_ID_ZW_ADD_NODE_TO_NETWORK:
2018-12-26 17:05:43.512 Info, contrlr, ADD_NODE_STATUS_LEARN_READY
2018-12-26 17:05:43.514 Detail, Node001, Expected callbackId was received
2018-12-26 17:05:43.516 Detail, Node001, Expected reply was received
2018-12-26 17:05:43.517 Detail, Node001, Message transaction complete
2018-12-26 17:05:43.527 Detail,
2018-12-26 17:05:43.528 Detail, contrlr, Removing current message
2018-12-26 17:05:43.530 Detail, Notification: ControllerCommand - Waiting
2018-12-26 17:05:43.542 Info, WriteNextMsg Controller nothing to do
2018-12-26 17:08:53.199 Info, Cancel Add Node
2018-12-26 17:08:53.201 Detail, contrlr, Queuing (Command) Add Node Stop: 0x01, 0x04, 0x00, 0x4a, 0x05, 0xb4
2018-12-26 17:08:53.203 Detail,
2018-12-26 17:08:53.205 Info, contrlr, Sending (Command) message (Callback ID=0x00, Expected Reply=0x4a) - Add Node Stop: 0x01, 0x04, 0x00, 0x4a, 0x05, 0xb4
2018-12-26 17:08:53.208 Detail, Notification: ControllerCommand - Canceled
2018-12-26 17:08:53.298 Detail, contrlr, Received: 0x01, 0x07, 0x00, 0x4a, 0x0c, 0x06, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb8
2018-12-26 17:08:53.299 Detail,
2018-12-26 17:08:53.301 Info, contrlr, FUNC_ID_ZW_ADD_NODE_TO_NETWORK:
2018-12-26 17:08:53.303 Info, contrlr, ADD_NODE_STATUS_DONE
2018-12-26 17:08:53.305 Detail, Node006, Expected reply was received
2018-12-26 17:08:53.309 Detail, Node006, Message transaction complete
2018-12-26 17:08:53.311 Detail,
2018-12-26 17:08:53.315 Detail, contrlr, Removing current message
2018-12-26 17:08:53.317 Detail, Notification: ControllerCommand - Completed
I’ve tried with previously associated modules and one that has never been associated, same effects…
Any help on this?
Edit: actually it just worked with the new module!
remains the issue with the old ones…