indeed and there is also an issue open in GitHub in which you can fins info on how to boot back (using 12.1 UEFI file) be it in 12.1 or 12.2
it’s a grub issue. so by using the efi file from 12.1 the system will boot, whatever the version of the underlying OS (well at least that’s true now for 12.1/12.2 )
yeah I almost did that, i have not ruled it out altogether yet
restore is not necessary, you need to :
boot a live linux (ubuntu, arch , …)
mount your EFI partition from the existing HA OS disk
mount the EFI partition of a new HAOS 12.1 img
copy the .efi files from the 12.1 EFI partition to you overwrite those on the exisiting disk EFI partition
unmount everything
backup/restore has nothing to do with it, unless you start a new install of course. That being said, on the same hardware you probably won’t boot either
Docker does not need to boot , so that works
This is a regression introduced in upstream GRUB 2.12 release. You might run into the same problem with other Linux distributions as well, once they update to GRUB 2.12.
However, we do work with upstream GRUB2 developers to resolve the problem upstream. So ultimately the whole Linux community will benefit from our effort.