Unable to change parameters


I have tried several times to change the sensitivity parameter on my Fibaro Motion Sensor.
It does not work at all. The only way for me to get the node to update it’s parameter is to manually click the b-button on the backside and press set parameter in hass.io witin a second or two. Otherwise it wont do anything.

Why is this?

Is it going to sleep?

What do you mean @tom_l

The Fibaro Motion Sensor is battery powered. It spends most of it’s time asleep. During this time you will be unable to configure it. Pressing the button wakes it up.

Yes, as I stated above.
This is the only way for me to change the parameters.

Hass.io should send the request once it is awake anyway? Or do I actually need to press the b-button to change any settings? I thought it would just put the new parameter in “queue” and update it once it wakes up, which is every 7200 seconds.

Yes this is how it works.

No the device needs physical interaction due to it’s design to place it into a configurable mode.

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That is very strange.
I have earlier used Futurehome gateway. I could change the parameter settings there. It just took several hours before it was updated, but I did not need to open the sensor and press the button to do changes. What is the point of wakeup time if you can’t configurate anything?

From the manual:

Waking up the Motion Sensor:
The Motion Sensor needs to be woken up to receive information on new
configurations from the controller, like parameters and associations.

To wake up the sensor manually triple click the B-button located inside
the housing.

With that in mind, the OpenZwave libs from what I can tell will queue commands, but they eventually time out. It is a limitation of the library (OpenZwave) at this time. I’m sure in the future they’ll implement some type of longer queue system to allow such operation.

Note these are just assumptions as I am not an OpenZwave dev.