Unable to close MQTT Garage Door Component with SmartThings MQTT Bridge

I am able to create a Garage Door component and successfully open the door and keep track of its open/closed state. However, I am not able to shut the door from HA. I am using the SmartThings MQTT Bridge to achieve this. Here’s the yaml in question. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  - platform: mqtt
    name: 'Garage Door'
    state_topic: 'smartthings/Garage Door/door'
    command_topic: 'smartthings/Garage Door/door'  
    optimistic: false
    qos: 0
    retain: true

Can you check if your payload matches the defaults? You are not specifying any payload in your configuration thus the STATE_OPEN etc. are used. I guess that there is a mismatch or a typo.

For my particular setup I’m using a GoControl/Linear GD00Z-4 Garage door opener and I ended up getting it to work with the following config. The major notes are that the payloads are as follows, the state_topic needed to be contact instead of door and I needed to run in optimistic mode.

  platform: mqtt
  name: 'Garage Door'
  state_topic: 'smartthings/Garage Door/contact'
  command_topic: 'smartthings/Garage Door/door'  
  state_open: 'open'
  state_closed: 'closed'
  service_open: 'open'
  service_close: 'closed'
  retain: true
  optimistic: true

Anyone know what the state is for stopping door movement (“payload_stop”) with the mqtt cover component?