Unable to commission thread aqara U200


I have a containerized HA on Synology with the relative python-matter-server container running.
I have a GL-S20 thread border router that has a thread network and I was able to import the credentials in HA and make it my preferred network.

Now, when I try to commission an Aqara U200 with the HA companion app on Android, I get a “something gone wrong”.

I have no relevant logs on HA but the only error message I’ve been able to track are on the matter-server container:

2024-11-23 22:52:44.215e[0m (MainThread) e[1;30mERRORe[0m e[34m[matter_server.server.client_handler]e[0m e[31m[139733408086416] Error while handling: commission_on_network: Commissioning failed for node 1.e[0m
2024-11-23 22:52:44.213e[0m (MainThread) e[1;30mINFOe[0m e[34m[matter_server.server.device_controller]e[0m Starting Matter commissioning using Node ID 1 and IP fd43:b326:5d66:1:e34e:3695:15bd:34c2.
2024-11-23 22:48:57.535e[0m (MainThread) e[1;30mINFOe[0m e[34m[matter_server.server.server]e[0m Matter Server successfully initialized.
2024-11-23 22:48:57.518e[0m (MainThread) e[1;30mINFOe[0m e[34m[matter_server.server.device_controller]e[0m Loaded 0 nodes from stored configuration

Anyone has an idea of what am I missing?

Thank you.

Also, I tried commissioning with the Android native popup.
It succeeds connecting then, when it tries to “Add to Home Assistant”, fails again.

Still no logs from the HA side but this time I get this on matter-server:

2024-11-24 00:18:20.277e[0m (MainThread) e[1;30mERRORe[0m e[34m[matter_server.server.client_handler]e[0m e[31m[139733408086416] Error while handling: commission_with_code: Commission with code failed for node 3.e[0m
2024-11-24 00:18:20.277e[0m (Dummy-2) e[1;30mWARNINGe[0m e[34m[chip.ChipDeviceCtrl]e[0m e[33mFailed to establish secure session to device: src/controller/python/ChipDeviceController-ScriptDevicePairingDelegate.cpp:89: CHIP Error 0x00000003: Incorrect statee[0m
2024-11-24 00:18:20.277e[0m (Dummy-2) e[1;30mCHIP_ERRORe[0m e[34m[chip.native.ZCL]e[0m e[31mSecure Pairing Failede[0m
2024-11-24 00:18:20.277e[0m (Dummy-2) e[1;30mCHIP_ERRORe[0m e[34m[chip.native.CTL]e[0m e[31mDiscovery timed oute[0m
2024-11-24 00:17:50.276e[0m (Dummy-2) e[1;30mCHIP_ERRORe[0m e[34m[chip.native.-]e[0m e[31msrc/inet/UDPEndPointImplSockets.cpp:416: OS Error 0x02000065: Network is unreachable at src/controller/SetUpCodePairer.cpp:280e[0m
2024-11-24 00:17:50.269e[0m (MainThread) e[1;30mINFOe[0m e[34m[matter_server.server.device_controller]e[0m Starting Matter commissioning with code using Node ID 3.

same for me.

Same for me.