Hi all, i just bought a new raspberry pi 4 and am new to Home Assistant. I have trouble completing the final steps of the installation which was to onboard HA via IP address. The error code shows “ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED” even though i took the IP address directly from my TP link mobile app. I tried connecting via WIFI and Ethernet cable but none works. can anyone help?
How was my OS installed:
My Raspberry PI OS is downloaded directly from using the PI imagers from HA.
Open command prompt on some computer connected to local network and type
Either you are trying wrong address or for some reason home assistant didnt started, probaby.
I don’t have pi never used but probably you can connect this to monitor, keyboard and mouse. This will be the easiest way to see what is going on.
thanks for the quick reply. i was able to ping the IP address and got bytes of data listed in the command prompt in the same network but still have the same problem. I also did a check using sudo netstat - tunlp | grep 8123 in the other thread you replied to and it looks fine