Unable to connect to HA from Iphone 13


I had install and run HA. I have remotely access to HA.
Somehow part of my devices works fine (iphone 12, Macbook, some tablets), but wife Iphone does not work (Iphone13)

When I try to log in on app, I got the information" Unable to connect to HA , Retrying in 60 seconds"

I checked the debug list and there is information “Refresh token is invalid, showing onboarding”

I checked logs and I found errors like this
“2024-11-05 23:21:32.341 [Error] [main] [Environment.swift:73] init() > WebSocket: delegate failed to provide access token responseValidationFailed(reason: Alamofire.AFError.ResponseValidationFailureReason.customValidationFailed(error: Shared.AuthenticationAPI.AuthenticationError.serverError(statusCode: 400, errorCode: Optional(“invalid_grant”), error: nil))), bailing”

I am new in this topic and I need some help how to solve this. Please for help.

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Simplest way would be to delete the app and reinstall it.

I tried few times. This solution does not work. I looked for similar problems but none solve my problem. It seems like this serial number device is blocked.

Hello, I have the same problem, do you have found the soluition?